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jesus christ has it really been a  year

sadly doesnt work anymore

pls update your code

can you teach how create this?

How did you make the player jump? Incredible!

this will be extremely useful!

Very cool! You really inspired me


I  Love this! I will definitely Experiment With This :)

Look what i made using your example

It is very buggy and is still a work in progress but i kind of made it so that you can actually jump on top of things

Link :

This is really cool, you should make it so when you jump it switches gravity so you are either on the floor or the ceiling. I wonder how you could get the ai to jump and follow the player as well.

Interesting idea , but may be quite hard considering how i made it

I'll try to make the ai follow you first

Look at HAX's score


I hacked

I changed the score to be 10000 times the normal score in gdevelop


Good game feeling!

how do I use it


Open the game.json folder in Gdevelop


do I use as a extension


It comes with the extension installed
